Season Four: A New Beginning began March 1st! Explore a world without the original gods of Lunar, 1000 years in the future.

In the beginning of this world, there were two gods of the Overworld. This escalated rather quickly, until the world was overwhelmed with overpowered gods.

Today, 1000 years later (Season 4), all of the overpowered gods have been defeated, becoming myths of the past. The server does not live in peace, however, as there are always new threats at every turn…

Lunar SMP: Lore Characters

The lore characters of the Lunar SMP. Click to open the character profile.



• Do not do anything to directly harm the server. This includes lagging it out with builds/images, entity cramming, or leaking our IP.• No griefing or stealing without permission.• Use tone indicators when engaging in sensitive conversations and during lore.• NSFW content must be contained to the NSFW general chat, which has its own rules members are required to follow. Be mindful of behavior in streams, VCs, and non-NSFW areas of the server.• Be respectful of everyone's boundaries.• You must always ask for permission to enter a VC before entering.• This server runs on a “3 strikes, you're out” policy before you are banned.• There is no activity requirements on this server - your life comes before the block game! We'll always be here when you come back.

• Anyone is allowed to stream or record on this SMP at any time, as long as they react to and follow the streaming rules.• When streaming/ recording on the server, you must let people know that you’re streaming/recording.• Basic streaming etiquette is expected to be followed.• If you’re going to be on someone’s stream/recording, familiarize yourself with the TOS of all streaming platforms (i.e Twitch, YouTube, etc)• Be respectful of everyone's boundaries.• You must ask the person who is streaming/recording to join their vc before joining. The streamer/recorder has the right to refuse anyone permission to join.

• You can do anything you want character-wise on this server as long as you follow the lore rules/guidelines.• Moderators can give your characters effects to mimic powers, and can also refuse to give these effects.• Griefing is allowed during lore as long as the build owner is aware and allows it to happen.• When doing lore, it is requiredto use the /lore tone indicator so that members who are not involved kow that lore is happening; must also notify that lore is/will be happening.• Make sure everyone involved with lore is happy to be involved and aware of what's going on. All members reserve the right to refuse involvement in lore.• Items lost during lore can be restored by moderators after lore completion; BE HONEST.• Members are responsible for writing their lore updates, which mods will then post on the official Twitter.• Do not create anything from the gods without moderator approval, as they are moderator-made characters for the purpose of whole-server lore.

new members If you are a new member, reply to our most recent tweet pinned tweet! That is your application - mods will review as a team and reach out to you.

former members Members who received a ban are not allowed to reapply. Members who left the discord and are wishing to rejoin are welcome to message the twitter or reply to the tweet to reapply.